Sunday, May 7, 2017

Life is beautiful

      In the life is beautiful movie it is similar to the stuff we read about the holocaust because it does show in the movie what people went through in the concentration camps. In the reading it does explain more in detail about what the concentration camps were but in the movie it actually gave a visual to the audience. However in the reading it explained a lot more about what went on during the holocaust but in the movie it just shows what a family goes through in the concentration camp. Although the movie did show a lot of detailed scenes and it does show how the nazi soldiers are very cruel to the Jews working in the concentration camps.

     In the movie Life is beautiful the mood doesn't seem to be a gloomy yet hopeful type mood. In he movie the son really had hope to have the best birthday ever and the dad is trying his best to make it feel like it. Even though they are in a concentration camp the dad tries to make it as fun for the son as possible but of course, like any other kid, the boy wants to go home. This movie has a gloomy type mood to it because of the fact they ARE in a concentration camp and those never really were happy from the start. This is similar to what we read about the holocaust because of course everything we did read had a gloomy mood to it because it was sad to see what people had to go through. The reading was very explicit which helped develop the mood.

     Life is beautiful really does show that life is beautiful. That sounded like a very confusing line but I'll explain more. In the movie, the parts when he is trying to make his son believe that he is gonna make the best birthday for him as possible really shows how much a parent can care for you. Even if they are going through a tough time they will always try their best for you. This really shows how even if life is tough people can still go an extra mile for you and that is what really makes it beautiful. Also, in life there is always gonna be rough patches. No matter what you go through there will be a tough time ahead and you just have to work through it. The dad in the movie sacrificed his own life for his son because he just wanted the best for his son. In the end the son gets rescued and gets to be with his mom again. This really does show that even through a dark time there will be a light at the end of the tunnel waiting for you. You just have to work through the rough patches to get to the smooth road.

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