The best commercial I saw during super bowl Sunday was the Audi commercial. In this commercial it is like a race and a mans daughter is racing with all boys and actually wins the race! The main idea of this commercial or the message it was trying to get across was about women equality. He talks about how he is supposed to tell his daughter that no matter how great she is or how intelligent she is it won't be enough compared to a man. This commercial really did stand out to be because that goes on in today's world. A lot of people think that just because we are women that we are less or we aren't as good as a man. Some people think that only a man can do all the heavy work or a man is the most intelligent and a woman isn't. To me this is obviously not the case. I think that both genders are capable of equally doing things right. If a man can do it so can a woman. I really think this commercial was reaching out to everyone in society to show them that it's hard to nnntell a young girl that she isn't enough in society no matter how phenomenal she could be at something. Which personally I think is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS! I really think this commercial was powerful because they incorporated how a young girl won a race with all boys. This commercial was not very hard to comprehend at all in my opinion. If you have not watched this commercial yet you definitely need to! It is really a phenomenal commercial
Here is the commercial if you are interested or have some spare time!! Enjoy
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