Election reflection
I think that the election was I guess fair, except the fact that Hillary won the popularity vote and trump just won the electoral vote. I think that Hillary should have won the election because she won the popularity vote but I guess it doesn't work that way. She was the fifth person this has happened to. I just personally do not like Donald trump and I felt that Hillary Clinton should have won the spot as our president elect and soon to be president. I do not think that Donald trump will be the best fpresident but I mean if he's our president America is just gonn shave to deal with it. We can't necessarily do anything about it because he really isn't doing anything against the law or anything so for now he is in fact our president elect and everyone is going to have to tolerate it.
Personally, I think it would be interesting to be more involved in politics. I love to see like all the arguments or just what's going on in America today. I am not really involved in politics because I never really thought it would be interesting. I think it would be nice to be more involved. I am a actually excited to be voting in the next election because I have never really voted before so it would be my first time. I would love to expiernce what my parents have been doing for so many years. It would be a new thing to me and I can't wait to vote.
I honestly don't feel the same way but everyone has the right to their own opinion. I think it's brave on how you decided to voice your opinion and how you don't care what people think.